The first two-thirds of "The I Inside" are fantastic: very intriguing and engaging, recalls "The Butterfly Effect", "Jacob's Ladder" and "identity", just to mention three similar movies. The situation of Simon Cable resuscitated without memory in the hospital in two different years is disclosed like a puzzle, and I was mesmerized with this film. Unfortunately, it seems that the screenplay writer raised so many weird situations that he was not able to conciliate all of them in a satisfactory ending, and indeed the plot has a very disappointing conclusion. I regret and feel sorry, since this movie could have been a masterpiece of the genre. My vote is eight.Title (Brazil): "O Terceiro Olho" ("The Third Eye")
'Sentiment: Negative ☹️'
This is a so-so thriller with a pretty boy hero going through a lot of convoluted flashbacks ala "jacob's ladder" and "butterfly effect". I noticed a taste of "identity" in the mix too. This movie has good suspense right up until the end where it just kinda goes limp without delivering the goods in a most pathetic manner. It replaced intelligence with obscurity since the writers only had the latter as a tool for plot development. Basically you are left wondering - huh? And .. do I even care what the real deal is with this story or is there even a cohesive story to be uncovered here? Or is it just some dumb ending slapped on the end in an attempt to tie up the hundreds of loose ends this weird script leaves hanging?
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
An amnesiac (Ryan Philippe) discovers himself leaping through time between 2000 and 2002 as his past returns to him.This film has a decent cast. Philippe is, of course, the star and this film caught him not long after his celebrity peak. Sarah Polley is excellent, as always, and we also have Stephen Rea. So this is just a great little genre picture in terms of casting.We then get a bit of mystery, a bit of science fiction. It is one part "Butterfly Effect" and two parts "The Jacket". Unfortunately for "I Inside", we would have to say that "Butterfly Effect" is slightly better and "Jacket" is significantly better than both.